I'm here again, sitting at the porch under the moonless night, the moon is probably hiding somewhere. The sky is full of clouds, and as I look down, the streets are filled with kids and teens running around in laughter, it's almost as if I am amidst the shadows of people. Only, I'm alone. There's firework lighting the skies, and the Eid chant is bursting in the air. The celebration is on, but I feel alienated once more. "Jasmine, come on! Eid's here. What's with the face and all?" Jane, my big sister insisted that I join her downstairs with the others, preparing for tomorrow. But I don't feel like it. I am just not ready. As I sit down the bench, the cold starts biting my bones. I'm thinking to myself, 'This isn't happening. It can't be.' I clutch my hands and starts blowing. It's too cold out here. But I think it's just me. I pulled my collar up and pulled my knees in. My mind twirling around the meeting w...
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