It's the night of 29th Ramadhan. The race is at its end. And how do I feel about it?
Sad. Deeply, extremely sad.
I hardly meet Ramadhan. Once a year. And for many years, I spent the days Ramadhan was here by just letting it pass by.
This is one of the years where I truly devote myself in meeting Ramadhan, yet I feel it didn't change me.
I didn't change.
My fingers are literally trembling of the fact that.. I might not even see Ramadhan again.
I am so overwhelmed. My heart is almost bursting of sadness.
I might finish this race, but I don't know if I'm winning.
And for the times I tried, well, He's the Only One to judge me. And I pray that this month has made me stronger within. Probably. Maybe. InshaAllah
This is my last night with Ramadhan insyaAllah.
I hope this possibly last date will last a lifetime. Cause I don't know if I have that long.
I might not even see tomorrow. Or even finish my date tonight till the end.
But I might as well try.
Allah would like that. For us to TRY. It's what He counts on.
.i'm gonna miss you..