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If They Say..

If they say
Jesus is their God
don't argue
but ask them, if their God IS Jesus
and He dies on the cross
who manages this life?
who gives orders to their angels
who gives order and balance to this world?

If they say
Muslims are terrorists
killing the innocent lives of others
don't get rough
but ask them, if we who kill those who steal our lives are terrorists
then what are them?
them, who kill us and take our lands without us giving it?
who slaughtered us without mercy, not a tear shed
but let us die in vain and out of pride?

If they say
the Quran is the word of our beloved Muhammad and not God
then tell them
there's no need to give away Nobel prizes to others
because if that is so
Muhammad is the greatest genius alive
to know about Big Bang theory, in-womb lives
to value great detail on the world
even before there have been microscopes or anything to make research with
even before there had been labs and telescopes
even when he is illiterate

If they say we are stupid
to be searching God in our solah
then tell them
in our solah we are talking to our Love
we feel Him, present but not seen
to endure Love when it is invisible
we do not need you to judge us
only Him

We have the right to be mad upon these
but where would that lead us?
We can slap them when they go too far
but then, where is our hikmah?

In life there will always be times
when we get chances
don't blew it because of anger
seek it
for we know
Islam is a lifestyle of peace

the lines are written by my aching heart, by my trembling fingers and undying love for Him. if there are mistakes, forgive me, for I am only human, for I only took these from the knowledge I have and from the Quran.

.Islam is the religion for those who think.


Aku Normal said…
i dropped my love and sweet smile here :)

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