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Judgemental.. Does it Help?

Selamat pagi! :)
Hari ni saya nak buat entri sempoi sikit la kot.
Macam skema je lately.
(heck, suka hati la kan?)

Baru-baru ni saya dengan kawan, Afiqah ada pergi jalan-jalan
(pergi Giant Nilai je pun)
Saya nak mencari kedai yang boleh tolong charge-kan phone saya
Bateri mati (hah?)

Well, tengah seronok jalan-jalan sambil rushing
(cause the bus from KTT will going to pick us up in like two hours
and we still have much to do)
Ada dua brader ni approach kitorang

They said they are Linguaphone's rep
p/s : Linguaphone is a language learning system and helps improvise language skills
Saya dah tau dah Linguaphone ni apa benda
Tapi follow jela brader tu
Dia pun mula promote Linguaphone ni
and he emphasizes on confidence
(dia tanya dulu result SPM English mcm mana. i was like, what? kena tahu ke?)
Dia tanya saya, what's your level of confidence when speaking in public?

Saya pandang Afiqah, then i asked him,
Macam mana kita nak nilai tu? It all depends on the audience
Then he kept promoting me this linguaphone thing

uhh.. saya ada satu kelemahan
i can't say no!
Dia sibukla bagitau recommendations dari previous students
okay, i'm gonna listen.
Sengih je la masa dia cakap tu
I'm no trying to brag, but this guy..

just because saya tak jawab direct soalan dia tadi
dia terus assume i'm not confident in public
yang tak boleh belahnye, ayat last dia
masa saya cakap saya tak nak beli (finally!)
'okay, abang dah berubah. awak je yang tak nak berubah'

 okay tak kisahla, maybe i gave him a bad impression
tapi apa pulak dia suka suka hati bagi statement tu?
bro, awak nak berniaga, nak cari pelanggan
tu ke ayat pancing awak?
plizz, forever la saya takkan beli macam tu
downgrading just to get people to buy your stuffs ain't cool

and i'm not saying this to him only
to all those people out there
whatever your intentions are
 it is NOT cool to downgrade people
just because you think
you are better than others
or have more than people around you

kita ni hidup kan
bukan semua benda kita punya
sometimes, Allah bagi just nak tengok
kita ni manusia macam mana
nak uji kita ni bersyukur atau tak

okay takpelah
maybe brader tu tak perasan
moga-moga dia diberi petunjuk
we can't judge someone based on what we hear about them
or on what we see on them

kita nampak orang ni pakai songkok bagai
kita assume dia ni alim
kita nampak orang ni rambut pacak, eyeliner lagi
kita cakap dia ni mamat takde adab

hello? what makes you so perfect?
apa yang beri korang kuasa untuk melabel orang sampai begitu sekali?
okayokay, kadang-kadang saya pun macam tu
tapi kita kena sedar, at that instant
kita dah hina apa yang Allah cipta
sedangkan Allah beri yang baik je untuk kita
siapa kita untuk beri yang buruk pada orang?

think about it
being judgemental brings you nowhere
if judging people for what's best
that's OK
perfecto mundo
but if your judgement brings people down

we don't have the right to downgrade people
everything we have
Allah boleh tarik balik bilabila masa dia nak

semuanya milik Allah
non of it is ours

.yang khilaf itu milik saya.


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