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Something Worth Promoting


Hello! Hello!
Buat adik-adik lepasan SPM 2011, adik-adik daftar ke mana lepas ni?
Ni haa~ akak nak promote ni. Once in a lifetime chance.

I want to promote to you..


Well, people say we can't judge a book by its cover kan? So, akak tak maulah tayang wajah sebenar KTT Sepang ni. *hehe
Kolej ni adalah antara kolej terkecil kat Malaysia. (kot) everything is in two blocks of shop houses. Can you imagine that? All the halls and libraries and musolla and the cafes and the staffrooms. Even our houses!

One thing that awes me the most when I first came here is the way everything was planned to work. It's hard to imagine the way they first planned to place this and that in that small area. But it totally worked out!


A lot is going on while you're in KTT. We have activities like normal colleges do, but in a smaller scale (i guess) Yeah, it's easy to live here. You can't easily fly anywhere without a transport to take you there. *I'm not kidding

Being in KTT lets you to be yourself. The lecturers are VERY HELPFUL. They care about you and your well-being. There's a lot of clubs you can join, but if you're taking A-Level, those clubs aren't available for you as it can't fit your tight schedule.

We get to meet international students here, mainly from Kazakhstan and around there. People here are friendly (well, most of them) but I tell ya, it's worth a lifetime.

You get to know tarbiyyah here (for you muslims) and it's so overwhelming. You can complain about anything, but not about the tarbiyyah here. InsyaAllah it will be a great journey.

I can't spill everything here. I love this place so much, I can't put it into words.

But you know, that's not even the best part.

The best part is....

[klik 'read more' to know the big surprise]


I'm just messing with you.

But, seriously. To those yang dapat KTT, tak payah tolak tau. Best gilerr kat sini. (if you know how to cherish what you have)

.yang khilaf itu milikku.


Aku Normal said…
senior yang baik pon ada gak :D
musafirbiru said…
ya. macam kak fatin ni :)

*best kek batik-maker in town!

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