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Berbuka Dengan Cornflakes


dah beberapa post dah asyik bermain kata *ehek* hari ni nak cerita sikit tentang Ramadhan lah (sila beri standing O ye)

Setiap tahun kita nantikan, tapi APA sebenarnya yang kita tunggu tu?
Tunggu untuk puasa? Tunggu untuk say bye-bye kat Mak Cik Pon? (baca: Pontianak)
Tunggu untuk SALE besar menjelang Syawal?

APA? Apa?

Kita tahu tak makna sebenar puasa? Mungkin ramai akan jawab

puasa ni untuk dekatkan kita dengan Allah
nak jaga body
emm, kita nak rasa penderitaan orang yang kurang bernasib baik kot. kan?
entah. hehe. orang Islam puasa, aku pun puasa la sebab aku Islam

whoa! em, tak tahulah ade ke tak yang akan jawab macam ni, tapi zaman doluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu memang ada antara yang di atas tu jawapan saya. T.T

Kalau kita tengokkan Quran tu, (sila buka ya untuk referens. jangan biar berhabuk je *pffttt* ) cuba bukak page 28. Nampak ayat 23?

Heheiii Allah kata 'berpuasa seperti kaum terdahulu' kan?

weh! orang dulu puasa jugak ke?

well, the answer would be (drumroll) YES. dorang puasa 3 hari setiap bulan. that sums up to 3 X 12 = 36 days! sama tak macam kita? 1 bulan = 30 hari pastu + 6 hari puasa Syawal = 36 days. SAMA!

(sebenarnya dah lari tajuk)

okay begini. pernah tak rasa puasa dulu dengan puasa kali ni takde beza? Macam sama dan takde impak? If the answer is yes, maka kita lack of productivity.

say whatt? aku puasa la. nak produktif apenye!

hey hey hey. siapa kata Ramadhan bukan bulan produktif? Kita dah cut about 2-3 hours of eating session for doing ibadah, ya know?

if you spend your fasting time wisely, you can feel the spiritual connection you are building for the whole month. sambungan dalam ayat tu jugak cakap '..agar kamu bertakwa.' kan?

Taqwa is one of the highest level of imaan. So, to get to it, you have to work for it. And Ramadhan is the best training camp to build it. It's the month where our whole body says 'eat', 'i'm tired', 'let's sleep' etc but our heart says 'shut up!' we spend our whole effort in pleasing Allah, and to not make Him angry, or do anything to break our fast. Because we commit to it. This is one of the building blocks for Taqwa. And if you do manipulate your nafs for the sake of Allah, then you are one step ahead in succeeding insyaAllah.


I also want to tell you something.

I got a disturbing post on my facebook just now. It's about a man. He is an average guy, who goes to work and prays. Very patient and always thankful for what he has.

He was fasting today. His daughter asked if he wanted anything from the bazaar. He said "No, I already have food for iftar"

Then the daughter goes away for a while. When iftar comes, he reached for a box of cornflakes and ate alone. It's not that he didn't have money to buy anything. But, he just refused.

The daughter and her husband persuaded him to eat some of the food they bought from the bazaar. He denied any.

It saddens me to feel that I have nothing to eat when there is plenty. when this man didn't even complain.
It saddens me to know that while I was busy thinking of what I'm gonna eat, this man took anything he has on the shelf.
It saddens me the most, when this man is my father.

He's one of the people who really touches me. I am trying really hard to learn to live the way he does. Sabr has been his great friend. And I hope someday will be mine too insyaAllah.


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